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Western Australian Pharmacy Students' Association (WAPSA)

Free - PSA Afternoon BBQ at Curtin!

Fri, 4 Oct 2024
02:00 PM - 05:00 PM

We are coming to the end of 2024... come celebrate with a free BBQ courtesy of WAPSA and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, WA Branch. PSA mentors will be in attendance if you want to network (or you can stay for 5 mins and have a good time with your friends).

This is a Member-only event. WAPSA is offering a free hotdog (or two if stock left over) to all WAPSA members. BYO any drinks or other snacks you want (no alcohol).

The event will be held in the Building 303 Courtyard next to the BBQs. Music and vibes will be elite :))

Menu includes: Beef sausages, onions, halal & vegan sausages and sauces. Gluten free also available.

Alcohol free event! Any questions? Email social.wapsa@gmail.com

Ticket Type Price
WAPSA Member - Admit one $0.00
Total: $
Building 303 Courtyard - Curtin University
Kent St, Bentley WA 6102, Australia

Room 220D, Building 306, Curtin University, Hayman Road, Bentley, Western Australia, 6102, Australia

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