Year Representatives

Fourth Year Representatives

Grace Lenaghan & Lindsay Sawyer




Hey everyone!

My name is Grace, and I am one of your 4th year WAPSA reps with my absolute favourite Lindsay <3 This is my first time on the committee, but I am very excited to work alongside some wonderful people and finish my pharmacy journey off strong!

As some you already know I am often on campus all day, (thank you peak hour traffic). You can usually find me in the WAPSA room or in a study room in the library with my wonderful study group!

Please feel free to come and say hi or have a chat anytime I am always looking for excuses not to study


Hey all,

I’m Lindsay one of the 4th year reps in addition to my second half Grace. If you’re looking for me on campus I’ll be at the library (with Grace & Aaron), as we basically live there at this point.

I’m looking forward to finishing off the degree strong this year with all of you guys. If anyone has any special requests or ideas for the grad party let Grace or I know and we’ll try our best to accommodate it!


Third Year Representatives

TBD in 2024


This could be you! Come down to WAPSA's AGM to nominate yourself for this position 


Second Year Representatives

TBD in 2024


This could be you! Come down to WAPSA's AGM to nominate yourself for this position


First Year Representatives

TBD in 2024


This could be you! Come down to WAPSA's AGM to nominate yourself for this position